Currently Serving Western NY

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Canine Bodywork appointments
Canine Bodywork appointments continue to be available in the Buffalo and Rochester areas. For further information, please contact Denise at 585-261-6778 or email
Trying to get your four-legged friend ready for warm weather fun and activities? Want to fine tune your canine athlete’s skill set? Conditioning and exercise appointments are now available. For further information, please contact: Denise at 585-261-6778 or email

Athletes – Supporting Fitness with Bodywork

Sports bodywork utilizes specific techniques to help obtain maximum performance and physical conditioning by increasing power, endurance, and mobility – both before and after an event or exercise. It should be a regular part of every four-legged athlete's training program and is vital for top performance and lengthening of career.

Please keep in mind, your dog will have different needs at different times. There are three basic categories that sports bodywork covers:


Throughout practice and rigorous regular activity, bodywork helps prevent injuries. Areas of muscular stress can result from repetitive motion and are typically precursors to injury. Bodywork assists in relieving muscular stress and address compensatory issues which can develop.

Post Event

Recovery after a competition involves not only the normalization and repair of tissue, but also general relaxation. A gentle massage two to three hours post event will speed up the recuperation process by increasing circulation to soft tissue to heal micro tears. It will also relax tight, fatigued muscles, tendons and ligaments.

Pre Event

In order to perform properly, all athletes must adapt to the extra stresses of power, agility, and coordination. To reach this high level, your dog must cope with activities at the extremes of joint movement and muscle length. This places heavy demands on the strength and endurance of muscle, and the ability of joints to move freely in all directions. Bodywork can relieve the excessive stress by maintaining tissue pliability, reducing inflammation and re-establishing full function of muscles

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